Family-Owned, Community-Focused.

From Home Care to Helping Businesses Everywhere.

At the heart of our business is family — and that’s what makes us different. For over 30 years, we’ve been family-owned and operated, building deep connections with the small businesses we serve. What started as a local endeavor has now expanded across oceans, representing different countries and cultures. Our remote working model has allowed us to master the art of collaboration, long before remote work became the norm.

From Washington DC, London, and Scottland, our team is spread across the globe, yet united in our mission to help local businesses succeed. Despite the distances, we work seamlessly together, blending our international perspectives with a genuine love for the communities we serve.

Supporting family-owned businesses and local entrepreneurs is not just a passion—it’s part of our identity. As a family, we understand the unique challenges that come with running a small business, and we believe in the power of community. Whether we’re advising a new startup or helping a long-established family business thrive, we approach every project with the same heart: family first, community-focused, and always with the goal of lifting others up.

Our family relationships are at the core of who we are, and this closeness fuels everything we do. We believe that by centering our work on values of trust, loyalty, and collaboration, we can help other families and small businesses thrive just as we have. Through our journey, we’ve learned that success is not just about growing a business; it’s about fostering meaningful relationships that last.

We’re more than just a consulting group—we’re a family that’s committed to helping your business grow, no matter where you are in the world. Let’s work together to turn your dreams into reality, with a personal touch that only comes from those who truly understand the value of community.

Our Vision, Mission, and Values

Our Vision is to change the world by changing one life at a time.

Our Mission is to learn all we can and then to use all we can to lift the life before us.

Our Core Values are Love and Serve. We have a Scriptural basis for these. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “These three things remain, faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love.” Jesus said in Mark 10:45, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life a ransom for many.”

Our Four Pillars: In Latin, our Four Pillars are Fortitudine (fortitude), Famalia (family), Fideum (faith) and Fidens (fearless)

Let us support you

If you are ready to move to fulfil your dreams, click the button below to reach out to one of our team members will get back to you.